The Alfred Tarski Lectures

Following the death of Group founder Alfred Tarski in 1983, an endowment fund was established in his memory. Using income from this fund, a series of annual Alfred Tarski Lectures was inaugurated in 1989. Each spring an outstanding scholar in a field to which Tarski contributed is selected to come to Berkeley to meet with faculty and students and to deliver several lectures. (List of past Tarski lectures.)

The Thirty-fourth Annual Alfred Tarski Lectures

Sergei Starchenko and Kobi Peterzil (Notre Dame and Haifa University)

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Closures and flows in real tori: a model theoretic approach

Monday, April 22, 2024
4 PM, Room 3, Physics
A reception in honor of the speaker will be held following the first lecture at 5:15 PM in 1015 Evans Hall.

The interplay of o-minimality and discrete subgroups

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
4 PM, Room 3, Physics

From closures to Hausdorff limits, in tori and nilmanifolds

Thursday, April 25, 2024
4 PM, Room 60, Evans Hall